BUuuuuuuuut that' was different..and PRIVATE minho! I can't talk about how you #$^# my @#@! with your @%!$!@ while I !@$%#
Haruhi Suzimiya Admin
Thema: BUuuuuuuuut that' was different..and PRIVATE minho! I can't talk about how you #$^# my @#@! with your @%!$!@ while I !@$%# Fr Jun 08, 2012 2:35 am
“Geboren am 4.2.1974 in Klagenfurt /Österreich. Ich mag RPG, Minecraft ec. und bin Anime- wie auch Volksmusik Fan. In meiner Freizeit mache
Seit August/September 2011 bin ich in Heello Mitglied…” twitter.com/Suzimiya Ping ☐ Suzimiya